Reduce high cost of maintaining large animals. Increase the number of animals per acre to substantially raise profit margin. Decrease the amount of land required to raise large frame animals.
At Darst Farm the concept is simple; take a large frame animal with ideal marketability, cross it with a small frame animal of its own unique marketabilities to improve and focus on a leaner, higher quality carcass. The Gelbvieh and Jersey is the perfect choice.
The 1st generation prime offspring is a medium size 800 to 1000 lb Gelbvieh/Jersey cow and up to a 1000 to 1200+ lb bull. The significance in this hybrid is profound. Dietary requirements are not that of a Jersey, but their milk genetics are passed down. The reduction in size of a beef cow is taken down an average 500 lbs over the growth period of the animal. They can sustain on grass, hay and mineral without calving problems. It is only be by one's preference or reasons to feed anything else. It is first generation that reduction of overhead cost will be influenced the most. This generation of heifers can give birth up to a 100 lb calf unassisted. They possess exceptional milk and maternal qualities. All cows except for the Jerseys are raised this way at Darst Farm.
Second generation heifers and bulls show great improvement in genetics and carcass traits. The offspring of the second generation using a full blooded Gelbvieh Sire with the Hybrid Cow is where genetics, appearance and profit margins of the offspring will reach full potential. As in all sound farming husbandry practice, selection of a low birthweight, high genetic quality beef sire is critical.
At Darst Farm the original sire DF4 has been replaced by the top pictured bull DF22. The new Sire is 75% Gelbvieh. The rest of the herd is now 75% Gelbvieh as well, and the make up is one bull and 4 cows. All herd offspring are considered 75% Gelbvieh.
Bulls and cows will thrive solely on grass and hay and mineral. The temperament of the animal is uniquely docile. The meat will be leaner, back fat reduced and ribeye area ranked the largest in the market (Gelbvieh). This is a natural genetic occurrence causing a higher quality carcass, and the flavor is infused with the sweetness of Jersey.
Enjoy a look at herd pictures here: